I want to apologize for going MIA, especially to folks like Slideyfoot, who is not only a blogger I aspire to be like, but is also an incredibly generous contributor via his comments.

I’ve decided to blog at http://csimamora.tumblr.com/. The reason is twofold.

First, and most importantly, I discovered that I wanted to write about topics beyond jiu-jitsu. I also have passions for social media, yoga and zen meditation, and other topics that I wanted the space to blog about. Even then, though, I didn’t want it to become an online journal. So, I’ve narrowed the subject of my blog – “Reflections and Practice.”

Second, while Tumblr doesn’t yet offer certain features that WordPress does, like statistics about my audience or search queries that lead to my content, the interface is easier to use at Tumblr.

For now, I’m going to give it a whirl. I’m not sure if I’ll make Tumblr my home permanent home, but I hope you will follow me there and that we can continue to discuss jiu-jitsu… and other topics as well.