Boot and Shoe Service Restaurant in Oakland, California serves delicious, thin crust pizza in a vibrant, hip environment. The cocktails are the best in the neighborhood.

Breakfast: 2 grass fed beef burgers + black beans

Lunch: Smoothie // 2 bananas + 1 packet Acai Roots + 12 oz of nonfat organic milk

Dinner: Two corn and zuchini tamales

Dessert (I gave in…): 3 home baked chocolate chip cookies + 8 oz of nonfat organic milk

These tamales are available at Whole Foods and are delicious.


  • Last night’s dinner was pizza, salad, and wine at Boot and Shoe Service in Oakland (  I was so hungry from lunch that I overate at dinner.  I am beginning to see Rorion’s wisdom in doing a 4-week phase in for the diet, with each week focusing on one macro element.  If I also had to worry about combining foods, I’d feel defeated.  At least with this singular focus on correctly spacing meals, I can tweak until I get to a place where I’ve eaten enough but have sufficient energy until the next meal.
  • Admittedly, the fact that I don’t have to worry about eliminating desserts until week 2 is great.  There are some yummy baked goods in the house right now!